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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

TEITOK Help Pages

Fixed List Values

For token attributes (tags), you can define fixed list values. You do this by choosing "select" as the input type for the attribute, which will produce a pull-down list in the token edit window. This makes it easier for people correcting the corpus to put in the correct values, since they merely have to choose a value instead of typing one in, with the potential for typos.

There are two possible sources for the values of the list: by default, the system will look for all existing values in the searchable (CQP) corpus. If the tag is not exported to the CQP corpus, no pull-down list will be produced. Since in the beginning, not all possible values will have been used in the corpus, you can choose to allow editors to add new values that are not (yet) in the list (by defining add="1"). This will produce a text box next to the pulldown list where a new value can be entered.

The other option is to hard-code the possible values in the settings (also with the option to nevertheless add values that are not on the list if so desired). This has the advantage that apart from the value itself, it is also possible to define a display value - say "RV" for the value of an error code, but "Replace Verb" for the display, meaning the editors do not have to memorize the codes. The display value will not only be shown in the token edit window, but also in the token info window that shows on mouseover in the text view. For that view, it is furthermore possible to state that the display value should be internationalized (i18n="1"), meaning that when the interface language is not English, the system will attempt to translate the value to that language

It is also possible to define a value as a lookup value, which will lookup existing values in the corpus for this form; you do this by providing for instance lookup="nform", which if we define it for pos (POS tag), will generate a "lookup" button that will show all the POS used in the corpus for the form in the nform (normalized orthography) field.

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