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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

TEITOK Help Pages

Document Map

TEITOK can display documents and search results onto the world map. In order for that to work, it is firstly of course necessary that every XML document contains the geocoordinates of the document - which depending on the corpus can be the birth place of the author, where the document was written, the place of the publisher, etc. Rather than using the XML data directly, the system uses the CQP corpus to find the relevant data. Therefore, the appropriate geocoordinates need to be exported as text_geo to the CQP corpus. The corresponding place name should also be exported to the CQP corpus, and is by default called text_place (which can be changed in case there are various place names in the CQP corpus). With that, the geomap module can display all the documents as markers on the OpenStreetMap world map.


By default, TEITOK uses the MapBox world visualization and presents places with one or more relevant documents as circles on the map. Each marker will display the corresponding place name, as well as the number of documents in that place - with a link to get to a list of those documents, which in turn link to the XML documents themselves.

The world map can be visualized with any so-called Tiles Server, including Wikimedia, Google, and OpenStreetMaps. This is done by chosing a tile server URL in the settings. And also the markers can be customize: apart from the default as circles, it is also possible to use pins (which will display the number of documents associated with the pin). And if there are (possibly) many markers on the map, it is furthermore possible to have the markers clustered, grouping markers that are too close together as a single marker on the map.

Query results

It is not only possible to display all the documents on the map, but also to show documents corresponding to one or more CQL queries. This is done by first entering the search query in the search, and then store the search query using the link of the bottom of the results. Any combination of stored CQL queries can be visualized on the map - where each query will correspond to a different marker color, with yellow used for markers corresponding to more than one query.

Coordinates lookup

The document map relies on each XML file specifying the relevant geographical coordinates. In order to assign those coordinates, TEITOK comes with a script that used the Nominatum system of OpenStreetMap to search for the coordinates. This can also be used to automatically assign information about the city, county, state, or country that a place belongs to, which can then in turn be use to search by those regional data. What and how this script looks up is defined in the settings.

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